Tuesday Tip: Valentine Gift Madness

Hey guys!

I remember in high school that every time Valentine’s Day came around I had to think of something new to give my friends, which was a really difficult task. So I decided to make a Valentine’s Day tip (thanks to The Music Enthusiast) that contains creative ideas that can serve as presents for your friends.

1) Plushies


Can’t go wrong with these, just find your friends favorite characters.

2) Chocolates


I have an extreme sweet tooth and some of your friends might feel the same way. So, give them their favorite type of chocolate and if not regular sweet or sour candy.

3) Friends Initials


One year I went shopping with my mom and saw these white letters and I thought why not paint them black and do designs on them using their favorite colors in mind. Let me tell you…it was huge success. This way you can use your creativity and they can see that you put some thought into their gift.

4) Helium Balloons


Just take a plain heart shape helium balloon and write a message on it. If not, you can just buy one decorated already. After they lose air, your friends will just use the helium to make funny voices.

5) Creativity


If none of these have helped you or they’re too expensive, just be creative. Paint a canvas with your friends favorite stuff or just make a collage of all your favorite pictures. Just be CREATIVE and put some THOUGHT into your gifts.

Think outside the box


Love, The Little Writer ❤

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